Lidcombe Public School

A dynamic innovative school always moving forward.

Telephone02 96497576

Our staff

Get to know our school staff. We're all here to help.

Our professional, university-educated teachers encourage students to develop a love of learning and a desire to succeed. They maintain the highest integrity and concern for your child’s wellbeing.

The principal is responsible for the educational leadership and management of our school. If you would like to speak to the principal, please contact us to make an appointment.

Our school administrative staff can answer inquiries or direct you to the appropriate staff member for help.

Executive Roles in 2025

Our school executive team comprises thirteen teachers in school leadership positions. Our school executive team members are as follows:

Mr Matt Lewis Principal

Ms. Kylie Ward Deputy Principal

Mr Chris Windle Rel Deputy Principal


There are seven Assistant Principals with delegated leadership and management of different teachers and students within the school.

Ms Roa Hendy-Bennett – Rel. Stage 1 AP (Year 1 and Year 2)

Ms Sandy Mo - Stage 2 AP (Year 3 and Year 4)

Miss Tiffany Siu - 3-6 Assistant Principal, Curriculum and Instruction

Mrs Lindsay James – Special Education AP

Mr Ramsey Terry - Stage 3 AP (Year 5 and Year 6)

Mrs Grace Nam - Relieving K-2 Assistant Principal, Curriculum and Instruction

Ms Aliyah Colley – Relieving Early Stage One AP


Add Mrs Rush as our Business Manager, and Ms Bronnie Persson as our School Administrative Manager and that makes a total of 12 in our Executive team, leading Lidcombe PS into the future and beyond.

2025 Classroom Teachers 

K Bilby = Miss Rebecca Lee

K Dingo = Miss Amne Issa

K Koala = Miss Vanessa Vo

K Quokka = Miss Deborah Lee

K Possum = Miss Michelle Bae

K Wallaby = Ms Aliyah Colley (Rel. ES1 AP)

1 Acacia = Miss Azra Ahmad

1 Eucalyptus = Mrs Isiltan Boulad

1 Kangaroo Paw = Mrs Kristie Aitken

1 Waratah = Miss Charlotte Courtwood

1 Xanthorrhoea = Ms Allison Wong (M-Th-F) & Ms Thuy Duong (Tu & W)

2 Bottlebrush = Ms Roa Hendy-Bennett (Rel. Stage 1 AP)

2 Casuarina = Miss Jenny Duong

2 Firewheel = Miss Engracia Liu

2 Lilli Pilli = Miss Joanne Xue

2 Melaleuca = Miss Jessica Quinnell

3 Avalon = Ms Sandy Mo (Stage 2 AP)

3 Bondi = Ms Angela Chant

3 Malabar = Miss Alicia Hickey

3 Tamarama = Ms Shirley Yin

4 Birdsville = Ms Cheyenne Holmes

4 Coober Pedy = Mrs Claire Ryu

4 Kalgoorlie = Miss Geena Lee

4 Lightning Ridge = Mr Corey Minett

5 Bidjara = Mr Ramsey Terry (Stage 3 AP)

5 Garigal = Miss Deahne Pinto

5 Kosciuszko = Miss Mariam Hamze

5 Nullarbor = Miss Milly Campbell

6 Fairfax = Mrs Lilian Chapman

6 Holden = Mr Dave Salloum

6 Qantas = Mr Peter Vu

3/6 Ruby = Ms Toula Sklavenidis

K-6 Sapphire = Mrs Lindsay James (SEU AP)

K-6 Emerald = Mrs Gulsevin Eyvaz

Support Roles in 2025

Schools can be quite complex environments and quite often all you see is the interventions made with our students via the classroom teachers, but there are several other support personnel who assist the teachers with raising the standards of our students.

They are:-

Librarians Mrs Mandy Walsh (Tu, W, Th,) and Mrs Shannon Wong-Nizic (M, Tu, Th, F).

L&ST (Learning and Support Teacher)

Mrs Ozlem Yilmaz (K-2)

Mrs Nicole Ortado (M, Tu) & Mrs Catherine Pisano (W, Th, F) (3-6)



Kindy - Mrs Hansi Tu (M, Tu - 2 days), Mrs Yvonne Ng (W, Th, F - 3 days)

Year 1 - Mrs Saima Zubairi (M, Tu, W - 3 days), Mrs Anna Jin (TH, F - 2 days)

Year 2 - Miss Sharon Sebastian (5 days)

Stage 2 - Mrs. Michele Morgan (M, Tu, Th - 3 days), Ms Tran (W, Th, F - 3 days)

Stage 3 - Mrs Jennifer Tieu (M, Tu, W - 3 days), Mrs. Stephanie Ta (W, Th, F - 3 days)

SEU - Mrs Ellen Wakelin (M, Tu - 2 days)


RFF Ms Sarah Polman (4 days - M, Tu, W, Th)

Miss Romana Choi (4 days - M, Tu, Th, F)

Mrs YJ Kim (3 days - M, Tu, W)

Mrs Jenny Chau (3 days - W, Th, F)

Miss Janiella Abelita (3 days - M, Tu, W)

Ms Georgea Matthews (2 days - Tu, F)

Community Languages

Miss Jin Kim (Korean – 5 days)

Mrs Catherine Lee (Korean – 2 days – M, F)

Mr. Kenny Gan (Chinese – 5 days)

Mrs Jenny Ji (Chinese – 2 days – M, F)

Mrs. Ayse Tokyurek (Turkish – 5 days)

Mrs. Jenan Zreika (Arabic – 4 days – M, W, Th, F)


School Counsellor

Mr Nicholas Toms (Tu, Th, F - Even Weeks) & (M, Tu, W, Th - Odd weeks)

Technology Advisor - Mr. Erwin Manalo

Administration Staff for 2025

We have most of our hard working and very friendly administration staff from the end of last year, back on deck this year as well with one new addition to our office, but someone that has been with us for a long time. No problem is too great for these lovely ladies and like everyone else at our school, they work extremely hard to ensure the service you receive as parents is first class. Our office hours are 8.30am to 3.15pm.

Business Manager Mrs Julie Rush (4 days)

SAM Ms Bronnie Persson (5 days, Fri Rel BM)

SAO Mrs Sonia Lopes (5 days - Fri Rel. SAM)

SAO Mrs Linda Choi (4 days)

SAO Mrs Mariam Khan (5 days)

SAO (Library) Ms Sandy Johnson (M, W)

General Assistant Mr Perry Panousopoulos

We also have 12 incredible Student Learning Support Officers – SLSO’s who do an amazing job in assisting our teachers with some of our students who have a disability.

SLSO’s Mrs Julie Teasel, Mr Peter Sage, Ms. Rose Tunali, Mrs. Rosa Kowaider, Ms. Shamima Islam, Mr Samet Durmaz, Mr Carlos Suni Sallo, Mr Rod Willey, Ms Zena Wannous, Miss Maddie James.

Updated February 2025