Lidcombe Public School

A dynamic innovative school always moving forward.

Telephone02 96497576

Special Education

There are three support classes in the Special Education Unit (SEU) at Lidcombe Public School.

The SEU team is led by Mr R Terry (Rel. Assistant Principal):

  • K-6 Emerald (K-6E) SCIO/Au  - Mrs G Eyvas (CT), Mrs R Kowaider (SLSO) and S Singh (SLSO)
  • K-6 Sapphire (K-6S) SCIO      - Mrs L James (CT), and Mr P Sage (SLSO) 
  • 3-6 Ruby (3-6R) SCIM             - Mr R Terry (Relieving Assistant Principal) and Ms R Tunali (SLSO) 
  • LaST                                         - Miss D Pinto

CT - classroom teacher; SLSO - school learning support officer

The SEU students are fully integrated and (where possible) participate in all aspects of Lidcombe Public School life.

There is a separate enrolment process for students to access support classes. For further information, please contact the Department of Education (02) 9582 6300 or this school's office.